Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You Don't Know Dick! (Well Now We Do).

The release of some of the Richard M. Nixon (aka Dick) tapes of his private thoughts in the Oval Office had a not so flattering opinion regarding Roe v. Wade just shocks me that someone who was elected to high office had such a slanted view of things. No wonder he didn't express his views publicly because he knew that it would not be the most popular amongst the minorities of the United States.

"Permissiveness" and the breaking up of the family were what he considered would be problems of the Supreme Court decision. People may not agree with me but rape is a logical reason to have an abortion. I do not think I know a woman who would want to carry the child of a person that violated her sexually. The fact that Nixon might find abortion necessary if you have "a black and a white" was a total kick to the gut. In the audio, Nixon didn't even say anything about rape - his aide had to to state it and he agree with him. What the hell? I cannot understand how someone can come out with an interracial pregnancy as being a reason for an abortion. I can come up with so many other "logical" reasons before I could come up with something like that. I hate to label it but I consider Nixon as being a racist. Sorry but if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck - it is a racist.

I love how we have come a long way regarding interracial relationships. I am sure that there were a lot of people who agreed with Dick in 1973 and probably agree with his way of thinking now.

The legacy of Richard M. Nixon has always been a little tainted but as the years go by and more information come out regarding his Presidency is revealed I believe that he will have one of the most "disgraceful" Presidencies we have had in history. Of course everything is subject to opinion. Any good that came from his time in office will be overshadowed by ongoing revelations of his shortcomings.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Penalty on the Field. Unnecessary Use of the Race Card. Penalty - Setting Us Back 50 Years.

Sorry for the long title but I thought it was a good one!

I have been researching this matter and maybe I am missing something. The Montgomery Public Schools is in the process of selecting a new Superintendent. There were many candidates including the Interim Superintendent, who is a white male.

The board has whittled down the selection to two finalist - two black females. They are Samantha Ingram, superintendent of Fairfield County Schools in South Carolina, and Barbara Thompson, superintendent of New Glarus Public Schools in Wisconsin.

Now, allegedly there have been public comments made that the City Council President Charles Jinright and County Commission Vice Chairman Reed Ingram about the selection process for finding a new Superintendent. I am not sure what they said and personally don't really care. More than likely whatever they said was due to the fact that the person or persons they would have liked to be Superintendent were not selected as a finalist.

Now with all that being said, our "Champion of Injustice", State Representative Alvin Holmes (sarcasm) decides to shoot off at the mouth saying that "officials should stop bringing race into Superintendent search". I do not remember race ever being brought into this matter until he opened his big a$$ mouth. Those of you who follow my blog might remember an earlier entry I made regarding Mr. Holmes, "OMG! Who is Dealing? Here Comes the Race Card." The finalist were narrowed down some time ago. Why rant off about it now? The Montgomery Chamber of Commerce would like to send a representative on the site visits of the two finalists but people are opposing that. Did I miss something or are both finalist black? Where is race involved? Who cares who goes on the site visits, as long as it is not costing me money as a taxpayer? I can be almost certain that the next Superintendent of the Montgomery Public Schools will be a black female. Am I wrong?

School board member Eleanor Dawkins said the site visits have become controversial because the democratic process didn't go the way some members of the community wanted it to go in favor of Clay Slagle, the white interim Superintendent. "Because the vote didn't go the way they wanted it to go they want to go on the site visits to try and find a reason why these candidates are wrong or why the vote was wrong," Dawkins said. Who the hell is "they"? White people? What can the Chamber of Commerce do to stop this process if they send representatives on the site visits? Holmes has chimed in and said that the Montgomery Chamber of Commerce represents "silk stocking, country club millionaires in this town, and does nothing to help west Montgomery." (In case you do not live here, West Montgomery, is the "black side of town".

Holmes also announced that he would bring the Reverend Al Sharpton, Reverend Jesse Jackson, and other civil rights leaders to protest all over the city if there is a block to appoint either of these finalist.

Again, we (black people) did not ask for a crusader to come to our rescue and cloud up the relative peace with stupid rhetoric and playing the "race card". I am not one to play that card myself but there is a time or a place for everything, and this was not one of those times or not remotely close to the place. I have no preference of who is Superintendent as long as my child can actually learn something to that will provide the launching pad to be anything she wants to be in life.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Why Do You Want the Country to Fail?

I got into a conversation with an old friend of mine on Facebook and I was kind of taken aback about how conservative she was. I guess it is true what they say - don't talk politics or religion with your friends.

Well basically in a nutshell, she stated that she didn't care for Obama. I guess I got that impression when she referred to Obama as that "bat eared liberal". When I stated that I might get the opportunity to meet him in a few months, she apologized to me by saying that she was "sorry" and that even though she has mulatto children she still hated him. Well considering that I voted for Obama because I didn't feel connected to McCain, I did not take into consideration anything about my daughter Jasmine (a multi-ethnic child). My vote for Obama was not because I wanted a Black President, just a President that I hoped would make things better for every American (Black or White).

Not everyone is going to like the President but regardless if your candidate won or lost, I would make the absurd assumption that you would want that person to make the country better. To top it all off, I stated that "Everyone has the right to their thoughts. All I can say, hate him or not - don't wish him to fail. If he fails, we all fail." She came back with the following and this is her exact quote "Yeah, seems as though that is happening faster than I would like!"

So of course the first thing that came to mind was a statement made by Rush Limbaugh saying that he hoped Obama fails in his Presidency. (My apologies for the picture I chose for Mr. Limbaugh, but I had to poke fun at him about all his rhetoric and he himself was not on the straight and narrow a while back.) Now, it was just one statement out of a long blow hard explanation from a person that I can't stand but respect his right to freedom of speech. On a personal note, I think that what he said is "borderline treason." Limbaugh may not want to injure the President but I get the impression that he wouldn't lose too much sleep over a White House void of President Barack Obama.

But I digress, it was not all working with George W. Bush (aka Bush The Sequel) in the White House. So let's try a different approach to our nation's issues. I do feel somewhat safer in my country due to the changes that Bush The Sequel made, however, private industry was doing things that they KNEW that might be unhealthy to our economy or way of life and the ball was dropped on monitoring them.

Now with all of the downturns that were going on with our country - unpopularity with the world, economic crisis, and soldiers dying on foreign soil, I never ever wished Bush The Sequel would FAIL. He was my President even though I didn't vote for him both times. I may not have been a supporter of some of his policies but his FAILURE was not something I wanted or wished for at any time.

If you wish for the President of the United States to FAIL in his obligation to try to make this country great for all of us to live and prosper as Americans, then that is the most UN-AMERICAN things you can do as a citizen. No one is asking you to give up your principles but there is also another saying - you can not please everyone all the time.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fox News....The A-Holes of Cable News Does it Again

I am back in the saddle again. Been a little busy with work and other things in my life but hopefully for those who read my blog (I know I do not have a big following - LOL), I hope that I will be back entertaining and perhaps informing you of the things that make up my Journey.

Now to my subject of this blog entry. Why must Fox News hate on Obama? I guess they have nothing better to do. Of course I had to get my current rantings about the laughing stock that is Fox News Channel from a report for the much more reputable The Daily Show.

Now I will admit that Obama has f'ed it up for all of us men mainly because most of us don't have a helicopter, limo, or have a police escort for an evening out on the town. But I want my President (whomever it may be) to try to be as normal as any other American. Sure there are trappings that you can't avoid being the Commander-In-Chief but when we have someone that doesn't just sit in the White House day and night and actually gets out amongst the constituents - that is a good thing.

Fox News wants to focus on the costs of the trip. Well I am sorry but the President can't just jump on a plane flying coach to The Big Apple, rent a Prius, and drive around for a night on the town. Does Fox News know for sure that they didn't pay for the meal at the restaurant? Did it ever occur to someone that perhaps that meal was comped because the President and First Lady chose their spot to eat on their dinner date? Perhaps the tickets to the show were free as well. Working in a hotel that has a 4 Star resturant and a Performing Arts theatre, sometimes you do comp stuff for good reason.

I do not care if you didn't vote for Obama, most people would love the opportunity to meet the President (and First Lady) and if there is a little bit of inconvenience because of it, so be it. I didn't vote for Bush I or the sequel Bush II but if they came to my Hotel, you damn straight, I am going to try to get a handshake and a picture because like them or not, they took on one of the hardest jobs we have in the US.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
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Maybe I need to buy that new cologne called POTUS. If I can't party like a President, maybe I can smell like one.

Have a wonderful day everyone - Out!